Newcomers from YourTurnMyTurn - Attention please!

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Registriert: So Apr 13, 2008 10:20
Wohnort: Nürnberg

Newcomers from YourTurnMyTurn - Attention please!

Beitrag von Mathomo »

First of all, welcome! We hope you'll settle in and enjoy playing with us as much as you do on yourturnmyturn.

However, a few things are different on Brettspielnetz (BSN). This concerns the games domino, minesweeper, rummy and battleships (see below).

Then there are also new features:
1) You can choose English as language in your profile. This should bring you even closer to the familiar layout of yourturnmyturn.
2) You can join groups to tell something about yourself. For example, the group United Kingdom (or other countries) or various language skills or hobbies or other interests. This is good for the communication! If you miss your country in the list, please report, so that we can add a new group.

About the differences in the games:
  • Domino: If your opponent can't put a tile, he gets a maximum of 3 new tiles. If he still can't put anything, your tiles are checked to see if you can. If not, you get up to 3 new stones (then you have to confirm the move!) and the game continues with your opponent. ("He who digs a pit for others, falls in himself." is a German proverb).
  • Minesweeper: Not so important, but we have a different distribution of points. This keeps the game exciting until the end, because you can often catch up.
  • Rummy: Everyone gets one of the two jokers at the beginning of each game! This reduces the luck component somewhat.
  • Battleships: If you hit something, you can shoot again. This speeds up the game a bit.
There are more differences, like with the TPR or other technical things. We'll discuss that elsewhere.

If you notice anything else, please comment in this thread.
Spielen und spielen lassen :)

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